Each year, homeowners drop more than $4,000 on energy across the United States. In Florida, those numbers can be even higher thanks to the heat of summer. Green Energy Grants in Florida can help mitigate some of these costs while promoting eco-friendly energy solutions.

For some, the toll those energy costs take can be far too much. One report from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy found that nearly one-quarter of all American households face an incredibly high energy burden, with some spending 6% or more of their annual income on energy costs.

The answers to this problem aren’t easy, though. You can’t simply stop using energy to ensure your house is a comfortable place you love to come home to day after day.

Luckily, there are green energy grants for homeowners in Florida you might be able to take advantage of. Combine that with other programs that help make things like energy-efficient appliance tax credit options more available, and you could help see your energy costs reduce at incredible levels.


Green Energy is Not Just Better for Your Wallet

Ensuring your home is more energy efficient is certainly important in terms of saving you money, but Florida’s commitment to green energy grants for homeowners isn’t just about ensuring access to energy is affordable. Instead, it’s just as much about promoting the use of renewable energy sources, which are sustainable and do not harm the environment. 

By lowering carbon emissions and utilizing clean energy, Floridians can help combat climate change and create a healthier, greener space for homeowners across the state. Naturally, the fact that green energy can help reduce energy costs and promote energy independence is helpful too. 

Finding Green Energy Grants for Homeowners in Florida

The biggest obstacle for those looking to own a greener, more energy-efficient home is the fact that it can be so costly. Fortunately, there are more grants than ever to make it possible for your home.

How do you begin to find those grants? Start by checking with both the state of Florida and your local area (like Port St. Lucie or West Palm Beach).

Many states and local governments offer grants and rebates for renewable energy projects. You may also want to check with your state energy office or local utility company to see what programs are available in your area.

Looking within the state isn’t the only place you might find some green energy grants that could help. You can also look for federal grants that may help cover part of the cost of these upgrades.

The federal government has a number of grants and tax incentives for renewable energy projects. Check the Department of Energy’s website or talk to a tax professional to see what options are available.

You may also want to talk to your installer. If you’re working with a professional installer for your renewable energy project, ask if they offer or know about any current grant or rebate options. They may be able to point you in the right direction.


A Few Green Energy Grants for Homeowners in Florida That May Help

There are a few different programs currently in the state that could prove helpful in meeting your needs. Here are a few you may want to consider. 

  • The Florida PACE program was designed to offer energy-efficient upgrades to existing homes without no initial costs. This could include fitting a home with solar panels, energy-efficient air conditioning units, better roofing options, or upgraded windows and doors. Eventually, however, property owners do have to pay for the upgrades. An assessment is added to their property tax bill that has to be repaid over the useful life of the improvements, but that assessment occurs at a fixed interest rate. Not everyone, however, qualifies, and it may be harder to sell your home with the additional assessment. 
  • The Federal government also offers a number of ENERGY STAR-certified appliances and home heating and cooling systems that are eligible for an energy-efficient appliances tax credit as well as some other rebates. Several different kinds of equipment are available under this program. For example, investing in an air source heat pump under this program could allow you to claim up to 30% of the cost of the heat pump on your taxes. There are some limits to the program. You can only claim a credit of $3,200 per year, and the upgrades have to be to your principal residence. New construction homes do not qualify for this program. 
  • The Investment Tax Credit, sometimes called the ITC, is a federal program that allows you to claim a credit on your federal income taxes to help cover the cost of your solar panel installation. The credit is a tax deduction of about 30% of the system’s costs, and it can be combined with any other local incentives. You can, however, only claim the credit during the year you have the solar panels installed. 
  • The state of Florida does offer a solar energy tax exemption, too for solar panels or combined heat and power systems. It covers approximately 6% of solar system costs, but it’s a one-time credit that only applies at the time of purchase. 
  • The state of Florida also offers a property tax abatement for installed solar systems. Installing a solar system is popular not just because it will help you save on your own electricity bills but also because it adds value to your home. With this program, though, you won’t have to pay higher property taxes in the event the value of your home increases as a result of a solar panel installation. 


Synergy Homes is Committed to Energy Efficiency

True energy efficiency can be difficult to reach in an existing home, but at Synergy, we’re working to make every home we build a bit greener. All of our South Florida homes feature tight thermal envelopes to help prevent the transfer of heat in the winter and to ensure the cool air inside your home in the summer stays inside. Our commitment to greener homes goes well beyond that, though. Every feature of our design uses the latest building science to ensure it’s as energy-efficient as possible.

We also use advanced materials throughout our process to create an elegant, high-performance home you’ll love. Contact us today to learn more about the power of an energy-efficient home with us.

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