Choosing The Right Home Builder
How do you select the right home builder for you? We believe he best thing to do is to start with a checklist – right here! Take our seven steps to get started on the right home and home builder for you.
Home Builder Selection Checklist:
- Start by narrowing it down to location. Are you flexible and looking for South Florida home builders across a number of areas? Or do you have a spot already selected, and you’re only looking at home builders in Palm Beach County?
- Contact your home builders’ association for a list of builders. Look online and through real estate sections to see who’s active in your target area.
- Now, what type of house do you want? Is it a large home for five, or a smaller home for two? Many Palm Beach county home builders focus on one or the other. Some do both well. Any that can’t are off the list. Not sure what home you want? Here are some South Florida Home Models to get your ideas started.
- As you interview home builders, see how your priorities line up with theirs. What can they do – or not do – for you? Do they listen, or talk over you?
- Ask to visit homes. They’ll often have model homes you can look at to see an example of their craftsmanship. Many Palm Beach County home builders can take you through subdivisions that feature their work or offer new home photo galleries.
- Take a notebook or use a notes app on your phone when on these trips. This helps capture what you like and don’t like. Details like this can make the difference, so you don’t want them to slip your mind.
- Drive through these subdivisions on your own. If you see someone outside, ask if you can ask them some questions. Let them know you’re looking at a home by the same builder, and if they’re satisfied with their home. People will generally be open and honest when answering these questions.
From here, select your builder based on their work, as well as features and service that save you money, time, and stress – energy savings, communication, guarantees, history, and accountability of the home builder. The South Florida home market has everything you can want in a home and offers many specialized home builders that focus on energy efficiency. As you start your search, be sure to schedule a walk-through at one of the Synergy Home Models.
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