As a South Florida home builder, we get a lot of questions about spring cleaning. Well, we do build, care for and clean up after tours and open houses in our new Florida homes, so we have a lot of experience! Following are some of our top tips.

Top Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Florida Home

  1. The first step of cleaning is always decluttering. This might create more dust, but you’re about to clean that up anyway. Getting this step out of the way opens up your home and makes it feel fresh and more spacious.
  2. If you have pets, it’s always a good idea to groom them outside. If you tackle it inside, do it before you dust, vacuum and take these other spring cleaning steps. They may have some winter coat to lose, but be gentle!
  3. Make sure you clean floors in the proper order. If you mop a wood floor or wipe down a baseboard before sweeping or vacuuming those surfaces, you could be grinding grit into the material. Vacuuming gets a lot of loose and stuck grit, sand and dirt off of surfaces.
  4. Next, get to mopping, wiping and dusting. This way, you won’t be grinding anything in and you’ll be picking up the dust you kicked up while decluttering, vacuuming and sweeping.
  5. Don’t forget areas you might not clean as often. You might remember to clean the bathroom, but forget to replace a shower curtain with mildew. That mildew will only spread.
  6. In the same vein, clean ovens, stoves, microwaves and sinks. You use these every day. Microwaves and sink traps can harbor a lot of weird smells until they’re cleaned properly.
  7. Don’t neglect your ceiling fans and light fixtures, as dust can gather there, too. Gently wipe your fans and fixtures down with a soft dry cloth. Don’t use any abrasive materials or cleaners, as they can damage the finishes.
  8. Even in a guest room that isn’t used, wash the linens, pillowcases and comforters at least twice a year to repel dirt, grime, grease and dust. These things can gather over time.

Of course, our new Florida homes don’t require much elbow grease to be sparkling clean. They’re built to conserve energy, using many materials that help repel allergens and microbes. They also have better insulation and air circulation, helping to keep things cleaner and healthier. If you’re considering buying new Florida homes, contact a trusted South Florida home builder like Synergy Homes. We can help you create your dream home – one that doesn’t need as much cleaning come springtime!Download Energy Efficient Checklist


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